While visiting Kayangel Atoll in the Republic of Palau I had the opportunity to visit the outer motu (islets) of Kayangel. My host was Mr. Thomas Obak, who owns the middle and most beautiful islet. He has built a shelter, fireplace and even a toilet on his island. Staying there truly would be an opportunity to experience paradise.
You can leave a message for Thomas Obak at (680) 876-1939 or write him at
Thomas Obak
Kayangel State
Republic of Palau 96940
He can pick you up via his motorboat from the dock in Ngarchelong State in Northern Babedaob.
There, however, is no public transportation going up to Ngarchelong.
The other option is to take the Kayangel State boat which travels every other Friday/Sunday on Payday weekends. (Do double check this with the Palau Visitor's Authority or Kayangel State Office before making plans.)
The boat departs Koror (T Dock) on Friday at 9 am and arrives at Kayangel at 11 am.
The boat departs Kayangel at 1 pm on the same Friday and arrives in Koror at 3 pm.
Two days later on Sunday the boat departs Koror at 9 am and arrives at Kayangel at 11 am.
It then departs Kayangel at 1 pm and arrives in Koror at 3 pm.
The cost is $20 each way.
Reservations are required.
This is new and I almost fell victim to it. Be sure to call the State Office in Koror (488-2766) and be very specific that you want a reservation and get the name of the person with whom you made your reservation.
You can email the Palau Visitor's Authority for updated schedules and to find out when Payday weekends fall during your trip.